Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering.” ~ Dalai Lama

I have a piece of kindergarten handwriting paper taped to the wall where my kitchen table sits.  Written on it is a question that I ask my children and myself every morning as we are eating our breakfast.  The question? What can we do TODAY to make the world a better place and reduce the suffering of others? Each of us without caring who gets the credit…”

The answers that most frequently pop out of their mouths are “Hug someone.”, “Tell someone that you love them.”, “Talk to a person who looks sad.”, “Share my lunch with a friend.”,“ Color a picture for the neighbor.” Their answers are not any grand gesture like volunteering at the homeless shelter or donating a bunch of money to charity. They are small things that each of us can do every day. And these seemingly small acts of kindness are at the very heart of what it means to live a life of compassion.

Compassion’s only requirement is that you take action to reduce the suffering of another. And no matter how small that action may feel… know that its ripples are expansive and infinite.

So what about you? What will YOU do today to make the world a better place and reduce the suffering of others?

Big hugs.

-Stacey ❤

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