The Journey Begins

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

The cusp of Spring, 2019

Thank you for joining me!

This journey is about people uniting around two common purposes. The first  being to recover the practice of living compassionately, as Jesus did and as he plainly instructed his followers to.

The second purpose is to care for the Earth, the common home of all humanity, and to care for all the Earth’s creatures as well. Our good will and our commitment to care for all doesn’t stop with our own species.

Some might characterize this merry band of do-gooders as a bunch bleeding hearts, tree-huggers and animal extremists.

And we’d say: “Gee, thanks for the compliment!”

I simply say: “thank you for stopping by to see what the FSF is all about!”

Brother Ben

© 2019 The Fellowship of St Francis, Inc.